Saturday, March 12, 2011

We Are Once In A Lifetime

I recently asked myself what it truly means to have a mission in life. For my clinic, having a mission means evaluating and re-evaluating what each patient encounter should look and feel like, having the right feel to the physical space in the office and focusing on the outcomes we desire to create in each patient.
The following is Alive With Energy Clinic's "Statement of Purpose." It is the heart of the very nature for why we exist.  As I read this statement each morning I often feel a tear of gratitude for the many people and situations that have brought me to this moment. I am blessed to be living my dreams, serving from my heart and impacting not just the world of today but the world of many generations to come.

My challenge to you is to begin to craft your own Statement of Purpose. Please use the following as a model if need be. It may help to put on inspiring music or to begin by focusing upon the moments in your life where there was undeniable synchronicity leading you to your inspired destiny.

Alive With Energy Clinic is a natural health provider and education organization specializing in leading-edge mind-body techniques, functional approaches to physical performance and individualized nutritional medicine. The mission of
Alive With Energy Clinic is to energize the deepest dreams of mankind for the purpose of experiencing and expressing personal well-being, thereby elevating the boundaries of human thinking, human performance and social harmony. 
Alive With Energy Clinic honors the pursuit of well-being, which is the natural human state, and the fundamentally sound methods of creating and restoring this state.  
Alive With Energy Clinic has as its focus implementation of significant social change toward utilization of well-being care, clean and nutrient-rich food sources and natural medicines for the purpose of reduction in disease care expenditures. The chief aim of 
Alive With Energy Clinic is to produce patients who consistently set and attain personal and health goals, desire to live congruent with their highest values and inform others to the importance of Chiropractic care and natural health for the creation of a joyous life, strong family and healthy community. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the inspiring words. Life sure does has its beauties when the right words are put together to transmit that which becomes reality through those who believe in it. The energy is seen and felt when the “statement” is read. To which I would love to add mine. It is my mission in Life to expand people’s potential to love themselves and the universe to manifest divinity’s true infinite expression.
