Wednesday, December 11, 2013

21-Day Purification Program
(Jan. 23 – Feb. 12)

Included in the cost are: All Nutritional Supplements for the Purification Program, 3 education & accountability classes, pre & post Body Composition (BIA) exams* scheduled at your convenience.

Program Dates: January 23rd - February 12th  --  Just in time for Valentine's Day!
Class Dates:
      Tuesday, Jan. 21st @ 7:00 pm
      Tuesday, Jan. 28th @ 7:00 pm
      Tuesday, Feb. 4th @ 7:00 pm
      Pre & Post exams can be scheduled throughout the week at your convenience.

Time:  7:00-8:00pm 

      Please register and the pay $150 deposit by January 14th to reserve a space. Pay in full by January 21st

Cost: $295

* Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a measurement program that assesses body composition, including but not limited to: water weight, fat percentage, muscle mass, cellular membrane resiliency and basal metabolic rate. These factors help to assess the whole picture when working with body composition. Losing pounds on the scale may not equate to better body composition. Confirming you are losing the right kind of weight is of utmost value.

Multiple studies and statistics confirm the toxic nature of the environment in which we as humans live. Pollutants may be ingested and inhaled through air, water and unfortunately, food. This class is the response to the trend. We will spend 21 days focusing upon consuming nutritious foods and eliminating specific foods that aid in the detoxification of organ systems (colon, kidney, liver and lymphatic), impede healthy metabolism, control blood sugar regulation, alter healthy weight management and disrupt proper hormone function. 

Many "diets" are short-lived and do not provide the foundation to continue long-term. This class teaches a food template for lifelong lifestyle changes. Although weight-loss is not the primary goal of this program, for many it is a welcome benefit. In the 2013 pilot programs participants lost as much as 28-pounds in the three week period. Others noted improvements in daytime energy, deeper sleep, improved digestion (heartburn, gas and bloating), sugar/carbohydrate cravings, libido and mental clarity.


1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there to do this. Dr. T was my DC for years and I worked for him for 7 years before moving to Albuquerque. Went to church with John's parents at Eagle Nest. So happy to see him in this clinic. I learned so much from Dustin and know you are as good or better than him. At least, that's what I've heard! Blessings!!
